Searching for a place to heal your body, mind and soul?
The Temple of Divinity(™) is that place.
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About The Temple of Divinity
The Temple of Divinity(™) is in the 6th dimension, and was brought to our existence in December 2020, at the beginning of the age of Aquarius. At that time, Taras Machula was introduced to it and then he organized another hypnotherapist, an energy worker and a channeler to help co-create it. They found that it was created in another place and time, and now it is being brought back to our awareness on Earth to assist Earth and its inhabitants during this Ascension process.
Are you searching for healing? Struggling with heartache, stress, depression, anxiety, mental or physical health challenges?
All of these issues can be solved within the walls of the Temple of Divinity. Within these walls you will find peace, you will find what you’re meant to find. It is a place of great healing. A place where you will feel unconditional love and non judgement. You don’t need to search anymore! You can stop searching and simply be at peace. Your journey has ended. This is a place of great healing. Are you a lightworker, a messenger, a healer, a servant of God who would like to help others? Please join us as a practitioner. We need many Temple of Divinity(™) practitioners, because there is much work to do. Practitioners are needed to guide and witness people’s divinity.
People will be going through an awakening and we need enlightened souls to guide them, to join them, to laugh and cry with them. You will have the most amazing seat in the house, the seat where you will observe miracles happen. All of us are connected with God, however, many of us have forgotten and lost touch with our connection. As a practitioner you will mend your client’s relationship with Source and then heal the organ that holds all their suffering, their heart. Once their hearts are healed, they will be able to live an amazing life. They will manifest a life of achieving their greatest contribution and highest purpose, and your gift will be that you’ve played an integral part in setting them onto this path.
Our Story

The Temple of Divinity (TM) was created in December of 2020. While I was going to the spiritual realm, I discovered a Temple with many rooms. It was vast, and needed much study. I asked for 3 other energy workers to join me, and after 2 weeks of channelings we understood that we were brought together to co-create this amazing place with Spirit. Being a founder and co-creator has been an unbelievable journey. The Divine has shared that we need to teach, expand and participate in the growth of this amazing place. I am extremely humbled, and in awe with the work that I do as an instructor and as a practitioner for my clients in the Temple of Divinity (TM). This place is a key factor in peace, healing and love to the earthly realm. Join us on an amazing journey of self discovery and healing. It is my honour to be leading this group. Love and Light, Taras Machula, M.A., CH.T.,
Are You Interested in Becoming a Practitioner?
We need to heal everyone’s hearts and through this heart healing we will become aware that the world around us will start to change. A world of renewed love, respect and compassion. A world where we feel our interconnectivity and connectedness to the Divine. A world where all our intentions and actions are completed, not only to properly represent ourselves as God’s instrument, but for the greatest good. We will create a heaven on Earth, by healing one heart at a time.
Praise and Testimonials
I'm in the middle of the class for the Temple of Divinity(™) course, and already I take my clients there! There are NO words that can adequately describe the Temple in the Spirit realm. It's the most divine love, gentle healing, exquisite moments, tender experiences, and life changing for all those who enter.” Temple of Divinity(™) Practitioner First Class.
Marie L.
Yesterday I was blessed to have a Temple of Divinity (™) session with a client. It was amazing. We first got him into the spiritual realm and were able to connect him with his soul family and main guide.
Michelle A.
The client felt a sense of reunification with his soul family, and felt as though he was deeply loved and guided. He is now able to carry on a two-way communication relationship with his guide during his daily life. I'd like to just thank everyone who played a part in helping me reach my goal of helping people in this way, and of course I'd like to thank the Divine.
Grace J.
Learn how to heal with Divine Healing Energy.
Distance healing can be done with Temple of Divinity(™) Energy Healing.